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Real-time Updates With Mercure

API Platform Admin support real-time updates by using the Mercure protocol.

Updates are received by using the useMercureSubscription hook in the ListGuesser, ShowGuesser and EditGuesser components.

To enable Mercure server-side, see the related documentation.

Once enabled, API Platform Admin for Hydra will automatically detect that Mercure is enabled and will discover the Mercure hub URL by itself.

# Advanced Configuration

If you want to customize the default Mercure configuration, you can either do it with a prop in the <HydraAdmin> or <OpenApiAdmin> component:

import { OpenApiAdmin } from '@api-platform/admin';

export default () => (
    mercure={{ hub: 'https://mercure.rocks/hub' }}

Or in the data provider factory:

import { hydraDataProvider, fetchHydra } from '@api-platform/admin';
import { parseHydraDocumentation } from '@api-platform/api-doc-parser';

const dataProvider = baseHydraDataProvider({
  httpClient: fetchHydra,
  apiDocumentationParser: parseHydraDocumentation,
  mercure: { hub: 'https://mercure.rocks/hub' },

The mercure object can take the following properties:

  • hub: the URL to your Mercure hub (default value: null ; when null it will be discovered by using API responses)
  • jwt: a subscriber JWT to access your Mercure hub (default value: null)
  • topicUrl: the topic URL of your resources (default value: entrypoint)

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