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API Platform natively supports the OpenAPI API specification format.


OpenAPI screencast
Watch the OpenAPI screencast

The specification of the API is available at the /docs.jsonopenapi path. By default, OpenAPI v3 is used. You can also get an OpenAPI v3-compliant version thanks to the spec_version query parameter: /docs.jsonopenapi?spec_version=3

It also integrates a customized version of Swagger UI and ReDoc, some nice tools to display the API documentation in a user friendly way.

# Using the OpenAPI Command

ℹ️ Warning

These commands are not yet available with Laravel, you’re welcome to contribute on GitHub

You can also dump an OpenAPI specification for your API.

OpenAPI, JSON format:

bin/console api:openapi:export

OpenAPI, YAML format:

bin/console api:openapi:export --yaml

Create a file containing the specification:

bin/console api:openapi:export --output=swagger_docs.json

If you want to use the old OpenAPI v2 (Swagger) JSON format, use:

bin/console api:swagger:export

It is also possible to use OpenAPI v3.0.0 format:

bin/console api:openapi:export --spec-version=3.0.0

# Overriding the OpenAPI Specification

# Overriding the OpenAPI Specification with Symfony

Symfony allows to decorate services, here we need to decorate api_platform.openapi.factory.

In the following example, we will see how to override the title and the base path URL of the Swagger documentation and add a custom filter for the GET operation of /foos path.

# api/config/services.yaml
  decorates: 'api_platform.openapi.factory'
  arguments: ['@App\OpenApi\OpenApiFactory.inner']
  autoconfigure: false
namespace App\OpenApi;

use ApiPlatform\OpenApi\Factory\OpenApiFactoryInterface;
use ApiPlatform\OpenApi\OpenApi;
use ApiPlatform\OpenApi\Model;

class OpenApiFactory implements OpenApiFactoryInterface

    public function __construct(private OpenApiFactoryInterface $decorated)

    public function __invoke(array $context = []): OpenApi
        $openApi = $this->decorated->__invoke($context);
        $pathItem = $openApi->getPaths()->getPath('/api/grumpy_pizzas/{id}');
        $operation = $pathItem->getGet();

        $openApi->getPaths()->addPath('/api/grumpy_pizzas/{id}', $pathItem->withGet(
                [new Model\Parameter('fields', 'query', 'Fields to remove of the output')]

        $openApi = $openApi->withInfo((new Model\Info('New Title', 'v2', 'Description of my custom API'))->withExtensionProperty('info-key', 'Info value'));
        $openApi = $openApi->withExtensionProperty('key', 'Custom x-key value');
        $openApi = $openApi->withExtensionProperty('x-value', 'Custom x-value value');

        // to define base path URL
        $openApi = $openApi->withServers([new Model\Server('https://foo.bar')]);

        return $openApi;

The impact on the swagger-ui is the following:

Swagger UI

# Overriding the OpenAPI Specification with Laravel

Laravel allows to decorate services, here we need to decorate api_platform.openapi.factory.

In the following example, we will see how to override the title and the base path URL of the Swagger documentation and add a custom filter for the GET operation of /foos path.


namespace App\Providers;

use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider;
use ApiPlatform\OpenApi\Factory\OpenApiFactoryInterface;
use App\OpenApi\OpenApiFactory;

class AppServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
    public function register(): void
        $this->app->extend(OpenApiFactoryInterface::class, function (OpenApiFactoryInterface $factory) {
            return new OpenApiFactory($factory);
namespace App\OpenApi;

use ApiPlatform\OpenApi\Factory\OpenApiFactoryInterface;
use ApiPlatform\OpenApi\OpenApi;
use ApiPlatform\OpenApi\Model;

class OpenApiFactory implements OpenApiFactoryInterface

    public function __construct(private OpenApiFactoryInterface $decorated)

    public function __invoke(array $context = []): OpenApi
        $openApi = $this->decorated->__invoke($context);
        $pathItem = $openApi->getPaths()->getPath('/api/grumpy_pizzas/{id}');
        $operation = $pathItem->getGet();

        $openApi->getPaths()->addPath('/api/grumpy_pizzas/{id}', $pathItem->withGet(
                [new Model\Parameter('fields', 'query', 'Fields to remove of the output')]

        $openApi = $openApi->withInfo((new Model\Info('New Title', 'v2', 'Description of my custom API'))->withExtensionProperty('info-key', 'Info value'));
        $openApi = $openApi->withExtensionProperty('key', 'Custom x-key value');
        $openApi = $openApi->withExtensionProperty('x-value', 'Custom x-value value');

        // to define base path URL
        $openApi = $openApi->withServers([new Model\Server('https://foo.bar')]);

        return $openApi;

The impact on the swagger-ui is the following:

Swagger UI

# Using the OpenAPI and Swagger Contexts

Sometimes you may want to change the information included in your OpenAPI documentation.

For the full list of available configurations, please refer to the OpenAPI Specifications. The current doc page only gives some examples but focuses mostly on the OpenAPI integration inside API Platform without telling you all you can pass into the attributes.

The following configuration will give you total control over your OpenAPI definitions:

// api/src/ApiResource/Product.php with Symfony or app/ApiResource/Product.php with Laravel
namespace App\ApiResource;

use ApiPlatform\Metadata\ApiResource;
use ApiPlatform\Metadata\ApiProperty;
use Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints as Assert;

class Product // The class name will be used to name exposed resources
        identifier: true,
        description: 'Unique identifier for the product.',
        openapiContext: [
            'type' => 'integer',
            'example' => 1
    private ?int $id = null;

     * @param string $name A name property - this description will be available in the API documentation too.
        description: 'A name property - this description will be available in the API documentation too.',
        openapiContext: [
            'type' => 'string',
            'enum' => ['one', 'two'],
            'example' => 'one'
    public string $name;

        description: 'A timestamp property.',
        openapiContext: [
            'type' => 'string',
            'format' => 'date-time',
    public string $timestamp;

    // Optionnel : Ajout d'un constructeur pour faciliter l'initialisation
    public function __construct(string $name, string $timestamp)
        $this->name = $name;
        $this->timestamp = $timestamp;
# api/config/api_platform/properties.yaml
# The YAML syntax is only supported for Symfony
        type: string
        enum: ['one', 'two']
        example: one
        type: string
        format: date-time
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<!-- api/config/api_platform/properties.xml -->
<!-- The XML syntax is only supported for Symfony -->
<properties xmlns="https://api-platform.com/schema/metadata/properties-3.0"
    <property resource="App\ApiResource\Product" name="name">
                <value name="type">type</value>
                <value name="enum">
                <value name="example">one</value>
    <property resource="App\ApiResource\Product" name="timestamp">
                <value name="type">string</value>
                <value name="format">date-time</value>

This will produce the following Swagger documentation:

"components": {
    "schemas": {
        "GrumpyPizza:jsonld": {
            "type": "object",
            "description": "",
            "properties": {
                "@context": {
                    "readOnly": true,
                    "type": "string"
                "@id": {
                    "readOnly": true,
                    "type": "string"
                "@type": {
                    "readOnly": true,
                    "type": "string"
                "timestamp": {
                    "type": "string",
                    "format": "date-time"
                "id": {
                    "readOnly": true,
                    "type": "integer"
                "name": {
                    "type": "string",
                    "enum": [
                    "example": "one"

To pass a context to the OpenAPI v2 generator, use the swaggerContext attribute (notice the prefix: swagger instead of openapi).

# Disabling an Operation From OpenAPI Documentation

Sometimes you may want to disable an operation from the OpenAPI documentation, for example to not exposing it. Using the openapi boolean option disables this operation from the OpenAPI documentation:

// api/src/ApiResource/Product.php with Symfony or app/ApiResource/Product.php with Laravel
namespace App\ApiResource;

use ApiPlatform\Metadata\ApiResource;
use ApiPlatform\Metadata\GetCollection;

    operations: [
        new GetCollection(openapi: false)
class Product
    // ...
# api/config/api_platform/resources.yaml
# The YAML syntax is only supported for Symfony
        openapi: false
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<!-- api/config/api_platform/resources.xml -->
<!-- The XML syntax is only supported for Symfony -->

<resources xmlns="https://api-platform.com/schema/metadata/resources-3.0"
    <resource class="App\Entity\Product">
            <operation class="ApiPlatform\Metadata\GetCollection" openapi="false" />

Note: as your route is not exposed, you may want to return a HTTP 404 if it’s called. Prefer using the NotExposedAction controller instead.

# Changing the Name of a Definition

API Platform generates a definition name based on the serializer groups defined in the (de)normalizationContext. It’s possible to override the name thanks to the openapi_definition_name option:

use ApiPlatform\Metadata\ApiResource;
use ApiPlatform\Metadata\Post;

#[Post(denormalizationContext: ['groups' => ['user:read'], 'openapi_definition_name' => 'Read'])]
class User
    // ...

It’s also possible to re-use the (de)normalizationContext:

use ApiPlatform\Metadata\ApiResource;
use ApiPlatform\Metadata\Post;

#[Post(denormalizationContext: [User::API_WRITE])]
class User
    const API_WRITE = [
        'groups' => ['user:read'],
        'openapi_definition_name' => 'Read',

# Changing Operations in the OpenAPI Documentation

You also have full control over both built-in and custom operations documentation.

// api/src/ApiResource/Rabbit.php with Symfony or app/ApiResource/Rabbit.php with Laravel
namespace App\ApiResource;

use ApiPlatform\Metadata\ApiResource;
use ApiPlatform\Metadata\Post;
use ApiPlatform\OpenApi\Model;
use App\Controller\RandomRabbit;

    name: 'create_rabbit',
    uriTemplate: '/rabbit/create',
    controller: RandomRabbit::class,
    openapi: new Model\Operation(
        summary: 'Create a rabbit picture',
        description: '# Pop a great rabbit picture by color!\n\n![A great rabbit](https://rabbit.org/graphics/fun/netbunnies/jellybean1-brennan1.jpg)',
        requestBody: new Model\RequestBody(
            content: new \ArrayObject([
                'application/json' => [
                    'schema' => [
                        'type' => 'object',
                        'properties' => [
                            'name' => ['type' => 'string'],
                            'description' => ['type' => 'string']
                    'example' => [
                        'name' => 'Mr. Rabbit',
                        'description' => 'Pink Rabbit'
class Rabbit
    // ...
# The YAML syntax is only supported for Symfony
        class: ApiPlatform\Metadata\Post
        path: '/rabbit/create'
        controller: App\Controller\RandomRabbit
          summary: Random rabbit picture
          description: >
            # Pop a great rabbit picture by color!

            ![A great rabbit](https://rabbit.org/graphics/fun/netbunnies/jellybean1-brennan1.jpg)            
                  type: object
                    name: { type: string }
                    description: { type: string }
                  name: Mr. Rabbit
                  description: Pink rabbit
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<!-- The XML syntax is only supported for Symfony -->

<resources xmlns="https://api-platform.com/schema/metadata/resources-3.0"
    <resource class="App\Entity\Rabbit">
            <operation class="ApiPlatform\Metadata\Post" name="create_rabbit" uriTemplate="/rabbit/create"
                <openapi summary="Create a rabbit picture"
                         description="# Pop a great rabbit picture by color!!

    ![A great rabbit](https://rabbit.org/graphics/fun/netbunnies/jellybean1-brennan1.jpg)">
                        <response status="200">
                                    <value name="application/json">
                                            <value name="schema">
                                                    <value name="type">object</value>
                                                    <value name="properties">
                                                            <value name="name">
                                                                    <value name="type">string</value>
                                                            <value name="description">
                                                                    <value name="type">string</value>

Impact on Swagger UI

# Disabling Swagger UI or ReDoc

# Disabling Swagger UI or ReDoc with Symfony

To disable Swagger UI (ReDoc will be shown by default):

# api/config/packages/api_platform.yaml
  # ...
  enable_swagger_ui: false

To disable ReDoc:

# api/config/packages/api_platform.yaml
  # ...
  enable_re_doc: false

# Disabling Swagger UI or ReDoc with Laravel

To disable Swagger UI (ReDoc will be shown by default):

// config/api-platform.php
return [
    // ....
    'enable_swagger_ui' => false,

To disable ReDoc:

// config/api-platform.php
return [
    // ....
    'enable_re_doc' => false,

# Changing the Location of Swagger UI

By default, the Swagger UI is available at the API location (when the HTML format is asked) and at the route /docs.

You may want to change its route and/or disable it at the API location.

# Changing the Route

# Changing the Route with Symfony

Manually register the Swagger UI controller:

# app/config/routes.yaml
  path: /api_documentation
  controller: api_platform.action.documentation

Change /api_documentation to the URI you wish Swagger UI to be accessible on.

# Changing the Route with Laravel

Manually register the Swagger UI controller:

// routes/web.php
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Route;
use ApiPlatform\Laravel\Controller\DocumentationController;

Route::post('/api_documentation', DocumentationController::class)

Change /api_documentation to the URI you wish Swagger UI to be accessible on.

# Disabling Swagger UI at the API Location

To disable the Swagger UI at the API location, disable both Swagger UI and ReDoc.

With Symfony use:

# api/config/packages/api_platform.yaml
  # ...
  enable_swagger_ui: false
  enable_re_doc: false

Or with Laravel use:

// config/api-platform.php
return [
    // ....
    'enable_swagger_ui' => false,
    'enable_re_doc' => false,

If you have manually registered the Swagger UI controller, the Swagger UI will still be accessible at the route you have chosen.

# Using a custom Asset Package in Swagger UI

ℹ️ Warning

This feature is not yet available with Laravel, you’re welcome to contribute on GitHub

Sometimes you may want to use a different Asset Package for the Swagger UI. In this way you’ll have more fine-grained control over the asset URL generations. This is useful i.e. if you want to use different base path, base URL or asset versioning strategy.

Specify a custom asset package name:

# config/packages/api_platform.yaml
  asset_package: 'api_platform'

Set or override asset properties per package:

# config/packages/framework.yaml
  # ...
    base_path: '/custom_base_path' # the default
        base_path: '/'

# Overriding the UI Template

You can extend the default UI Template using the Symfony and Laravel instructions below:

# Overriding the UI Template using Symfony

As described in the Symfony documentation, it’s possible to override the Twig template that loads Swagger UI and renders the documentation:

{# templates/bundles/ApiPlatformBundle/SwaggerUi/index.html.twig #}
<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <title>{% if title %}{{ title }} {% endif %}My custom template</title>
    {# ... #}

You may want to copy the one shipped with API Platform and customize it.

# Overriding the UI Template using Laravel

As described in the Laravel documentation, it’s possible to override the Blade template that loads Swagger UI and renders the documentation:

{# resources/views/swagger-ui.blade.php #}
<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
            {{ $title }} 
        My custom template
    {# ... #}

You may want to copy the one shipped with API Platform and customize it.

# Compatibility Layer with Amazon API Gateway

AWS API Gateway supports OpenAPI partially, but it requires some changes. API Platform provides a way to be compatible with Amazon API Gateway.

To enable API Gateway compatibility on your OpenAPI docs, add api_gateway=true as query parameter: http://www.example.com/docs.jsonopenapi?api_gateway=true. The flag --api-gateway is also available through the command-line.

# OAuth

# OAuth using Symfony

If you implemented OAuth on your API, you should configure OpenApi’s authorization using API Platform’s configuration:

# config/packages/api_platform.yaml
    # To enable or disable OAuth.
    enabled: false

    # The OAuth client ID.
    clientId: ''

    # The OAuth client secret.
    clientSecret: ''

    # The OAuth type.
    type: 'oauth2'

    # The OAuth flow grant type.
    flow: 'application'

    # The OAuth token url.
    tokenUrl: '/oauth/v2/token'

    # The OAuth authentication url.
    authorizationUrl: '/oauth/v2/auth'

    # The OAuth scopes.
    scopes: []

Note that clientId and clientSecret are being used by the SwaggerUI if enabled.

# OAuth using Laravel

If you implemented OAuth on your API, you should configure OpenApi’s authorization using API Platform’s configuration:

// config/api-platform.php
return [
    // ....
    'oauth' => [
        'enabled' => false, // To enable or disable OAuth.
        'clientId' => '', // The OAuth client ID.
        'clientSecret' => '', // The OAuth client secret. 
        'type' => 'oauth2', // The OAuth flow grant type.
        'authorizationUrl' => '/oauth/v2/auth' // The OAuth authentication url.
        'scopes' => [], // The OAuth scopes.

Note that clientId and clientSecret are being used by the SwaggerUI if enabled.

# Configure the OAuth Scopes Option

# Configure the OAuth Scopes Option using Symfony

The api_platform.oauth.scopes option requires an array value with the scopes name and description. For example:

      profile: "This scope value requests access to the End-User's default profile Claims, which are: name, family_name, given_name, middle_name, nickname, preferred_username, profile, picture, website, gender, birthdate, zoneinfo, locale, and updated_at."
      email: 'This scope value requests access to the email and email_verified Claims.'
      address: 'This scope value requests access to the address Claim.'
      phone: 'This scope value requests access to the phone_number and phone_number_verified Claims.'

ℹ️ Note

If you’re using an OpenID Connect server (such as Keycloak or Auth0), the openid scope must be set according to the OpenID Connect specification.

# Configure the OAuth Scopes Option using Laravel

The api_platform.oauth.scopes option requires an array value with the scopes name and description. For example:

// config/api-platform.php
return [
    // ....
    'oauth' => [
        'scopes' => [
            'profile' => "This scope value requests access to the End-User's default profile Claims, which are: name, family_name, given_name, middle_name, nickname, preferred_username, profile, picture, website, gender, birthdate, zoneinfo, locale, and updated_at.",
            'email' => 'This scope value requests access to the email and email_verified Claims.',
            'address' => 'This scope value requests access to the address Claim.',
            'phone' => 'This scope value requests access to the phone_number and phone_number_verified Claims.',

ℹ️ Note

If you’re using an OpenID Connect server (such as Keycloak or Auth0), the openid scope must be set according to the OpenID Connect specification.

# Info Object

The info object provides metadata about the API like licensing information or a contact. You can specify this information using API Platform’s configuration below:

# Info Object Configuration using Symfony

  # The title of the API.
  title: 'API title'

  # The description of the API.
  description: 'API description'

  # The version of the API.
  version: '0.0.0'

    # The contact information for the exposed API.
      # The identifying name of the contact person/organization.
      # The URL pointing to the contact information. MUST be in the format of a URL.
      # The email address of the contact person/organization. MUST be in the format of an email address.
    # A URL to the Terms of Service for the API. MUST be in the format of a URL.
    # The license information for the exposed API.
      # The license name used for the API.
      # URL to the license used for the API. MUST be in the format of a URL.

# Info Object Configuration using Laravel

// config/api-platform.php
return [
    // ....
    'title' => 'API title', // The title of the API.
    'description' => 'API description', // The description of the API.
    'version' => '0.0.0', // The version of the API.
    'openapi' => [
        'contact' => [ // The contact information for the exposed API.
            'name' => '', // The identifying name of the contact person/organization.
            'url' => '', // The URL pointing to the contact information. MUST be in the format of a URL.
            'email' => '', // The email address of the contact person/organization. MUST be in the format of an email address.
        'termsOfService' => '', // A URL to the Terms of Service for the API. MUST be in the format of a URL.
        'license' => [ // The license information for the exposed API.
            'name' => '', // The license name used for the API.
            'url' => '', // URL to the license used for the API. MUST be in the format of a URL.

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