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Upgrade Guide

# API Platform 3.4

Remove the keep_legacy_inflector, the event_listeners_backward_compatibility_layer and the rfc_7807_compliant_errors flag:

        event_listeners_backward_compatibility_layer: false
        keep_legacy_inflector: false
            standard_put: true
            rfc_7807_compliant_errors: true

If you use a custom normalizer for validation exception use:

    legacy_validation_exception: true

Indeed, we will throw another validation class in API Platform 4 we will throw ApiPlatform\Validator\Exception\ValidationException instead of ApiPlatform\Symfony\Validator\Exception\ValidationException

It’s really important to add the use_symfony_listeners flag, set to true if you use Symfony listeners or controllers:

  use_symfony_listeners: false

The keep_legacy_inflector flag will be removed from API Platform 4, you need to fix your issues first. In API Platform 3.4, the Inflector is available as a service that you can configure through:

  inflector: api_platform.metadata.inflector

Implement the ApiPlatform\Metadata\InflectorInterface if you need to tweak its behavior.

We added an hydra_prefix configuration as the hydra: prefix will be removed by default in API Platform 4:

    hydra_prefix: false

Standard PUT is now true by default, you can change its value using:

      standard_put: true

We recommend using the standalone API Platform packages instead of the Core monolithic repository.

Update your composer.json like that:

     "require": {
        "api-platform/core": "^3",
        "api-platform/symfony": "^3 || ^4"
        // also add the extra packages you need, like "api-platform/doctrine-orm"

# API Platform 3.1/3.2

This is the recommended configuration for API Platform 3.2. We review each of these changes in this document.

  title: Hello API Platform
  version: 1.0.0
    jsonld: ['application/ld+json']
    jsonld: ['application/ld+json']
    jsonopenapi: ['application/vnd.openapi+json']
    html: ['text/html']
    stateless: true
      vary: ['Content-Type', 'Authorization', 'Origin']
      standard_put: true
      rfc_7807_compliant_errors: true
  event_listeners_backward_compatibility_layer: false
  keep_legacy_inflector: false

# Formats

We noticed that API Platform was enabling json by default because of our OpenAPI support. We introduced the new application/vnd.openapi+json. Therefore if you want json you need to explicitly handle it:

  json: ['application/json']

You can also remove documentations you’re not using via the new docs_formats.

A new option error_formats is also used for content negotiation.

# Event listeners

For new users we recommend to use

event_listeners_backward_compatibility_layer: false

This allows API Platform to not use http kernel event listeners. It also allows you to force options like read: true or validate: true. This simplifies use cases like validating a delete operation Event listeners will not get removed and are not deprecated, they’ll use our providers and processors in a future version.

# Inflector

We’re switching to symfony/string inflector, to keep using doctrine/inflector use:

keep_legacy_inflector: true

We strongly recommend that you use your own inflector anyways with a PathSegmentNameGenerator.

# Errors

    rfc_7807_compliant_errors: true

As this is an extraProperties it’s configurable per resource/operation. This is improving the compatibility of Hydra errors with JSON problem. It also enables new extension points on Errors such as Error provider and Error Resource.

# OpenApi context

You may want to convert your openApiContext to openapi, doing so is quite fastidious, @lyrixx created a rector script to help if needed:


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