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Client Integrations

# Edge Side API (ESA)

Edge Side APIs (ESA) is an architectural pattern that allows the creation of more reliable, efficient, and less resource-intensive APIs. It revives the core REST/HATEOAS principles while taking full advantage of the new capabilities provided by the web platform.

ESA promotes a mixed approach (synchronous and asynchronous), offering simplicity in development and use, exceptional performance, and the ability for clients to receive real-time updates of the resources they fetched. ESA also leverages existing standards to expose API documentation, enabling the creation of generic clients capable of discovering the API’s capabilities at runtime.

From ESA White Paper

# JavaScript Client Integrations

API Platform offers a suite of tools and libraries that streamline the integration of JavaScript clients with APIs. These tools simplify development by automating tasks such as data fetching, administration panel creation, and real-time updates. Below is a detailed overview of the available clients, libraries, and their usage.

# Clients and Tools Overview

# Admin

API Platform Admin is a dynamic administration panel generator built with React-Admin. It automatically adapts to your API schema and provides extensive customization options. It can read an OpenAPI specification or a Hydra specification. API Platform supports both OpenAPI and Hydra from scratch!

Learn more about API Platform Admin.

# Create Client

The Client Generator creates JavaScript/TypeScript clients based on your API documentation. It generates code that integrates seamlessly with your API endpoints, reducing development time and errors.

Learn more about the Create Client

# JavaScript Libraries

# api-platform/ld

The api-platform/ld JavaScript library simplifies working with Linked Data. It helps parse and serialize data in formats such as JSON-LD, making it easier to handle complex relationships in your applications.

For example, let’s load authors when required with a Linked Data approach. Given an API referencing books and their authors, where GET /books/1 returns:

    "@id": "/books/1",
    "@type": ["https://schema.org/Book"],
    "title": "Hyperion",
    "author": "https://localhost/authors/1"

Use an URLPattern to load authors automatically when fetching an author property such as books.author?.name:

import ld from '@api-platform/ld'

const pattern = new URLPattern("/authors/:id", "https://localhost");
const books = await ld('/books', {
    urlPattern: pattern,
    onUpdate: (newBooks) => {

function log() {


With api-platform/ld, authors are automatically loaded when needed.

Read the full documentation.

# api-platform/mercure

Mercure is a real-time communication protocol. The api-platform/mercure library enables you to subscribe to updates and deliver real-time data seamlessly.

Our frontend library allows you to subscribe to updates with efficiency, re-using the hub connection and adding topics automatically as they get requested. API Platform supports Mercure and automatically sets the Link header making auto-discovery a breeze. For example:

import mercure, { close } from "@api-platform/mercure";

const res = await mercure('https://localhost/authors/1', {
    onUpdate: (author) => console.log(author)

const author = res.then(res => res.json())

// Close if you need to 
history.onpushstate = function(e) {

Assuming /authors/1 returned the following:

Link: <https://localhost/authors/1>; rel="self"
Link: <https://localhost/.well-known/mercure>; rel="mercure"

An EventSource subscribes to the topic https://localhost/authors/1 on the hub https://localhost/.well-known/mercure.

Read the full documentation.

# api-platform/api-doc-parser

The api-platform/api-doc-parser that parses Hydra, Swagger, OpenAPI, and GraphQL documentation into an intermediate format for generating API clients and scaffolding code. It integrates well with API Platform and supports auto-detecting resource relationships.

Key Features:

  • Multi-format support: Parses Hydra, Swagger (OpenAPI v2), OpenAPI v3, and GraphQL.
  • Intermediate representation: Converts API docs into a usable format for generating clients, scaffolding code, or building admin interfaces.
  • API Platform integration: Works seamlessly with API Platform.
  • Auto-detection of resource relationships: Automatically detects relationships between resources based on documentation.

Example: Parsing Hydra API Documentation:

import { parseHydraDocumentation } from '@api-platform/api-doc-parser';

parseHydraDocumentation('https://demo.api-platform.com').then(({api}) => console.log(api));

This example fetches Hydra documentation from https://demo.api-platform.com, parses it, and logs the resulting API structure. The parseHydraDocumentation method is particularly useful for building metadata-driven clients or handling advanced API interactions.

Read the full documentation.

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