The Next.js generator scaffolds components for server-side rendered (SSR) applications using Next.js.
The easiest way to get started is to install the API Platform Symfony variant. It contains a Next.js skeleton generated with Create Next App, a development Docker container to serve the webapp, and all the API Platform components you may need, including an API server supporting Hydra and OpenAPI.
If you use API Platform, jump to the next section!
Alternatively, create a Next.js application by executing:
pnpm create next-app --typescript
npm init next-app --typescript
yarn reate next-app --typescript
Install the required dependencies:
pnpm install isomorphic-unfetch formik react-query
npm install isomorphic-unfetch formik react-query
yarn add isomorphic-unfetch formik react-query
The generated HTML will contain Tailwind CSS classes. Optionally, follow the Tailwind installation guide for Next.js projects (Tailwind is preinstalled in the API Platform Symfony variant)
If you are using the API Platform Distribution with Symfony generating all the code you need for a given resource is as simple as running the following command:
docker compose exec pwa \
pnpm create @api-platform/client --resource book -g next
Omit the resource flag to generate files for all resource types exposed by the API.
Or if you don’t use the standalone installation, run the following command instead:
pnpm create @api-platform/client . --generator next --resource book
npm init @api-platform/client . -- --generator next --resource book
yarn create @api-platform/client . --generator next --resource book
Replace the URL by the entrypoint of your Hydra-enabled API.
You can also use an OpenAPI documentation with -f openapi3
The code has been generated, and is ready to be executed!
Add the layout to the app:
import type { AppProps } from "next/app";
import type { DehydratedState } from "react-query";
import Layout from "../components/common/Layout";
const App = ({ Component, pageProps }: AppProps<{dehydratedState: DehydratedState}>) => (
<Layout dehydratedState={pageProps.dehydratedState}>
<Component {...pageProps} />
export default App;
You can launch the server with:
pnpm dev
npm run dev
yarn dev
Go to http://localhost:3000/books/
to start using your app.
If you want to generate a production build locally with docker compose, follow these instructions.
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Made with love by can help you design and develop your APIs and web projects, and train your teams in API Platform, Symfony, Next.js, Kubernetes and a wide range of other technologies.
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