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v2.1 The API Platform Client Generator
API Platform Conference
September 19-20, 2024 | Lille & online

The international conference on the API Platform Framework

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# The API Platform Client Generator

API Platform Client Generator is a generator for scaffolding apps with Create-Retrieve-Update-Delete features for any API exposing a Hydra documentation. Currently the following targets are available:

  • React/Redux
  • Vue.js

The generator works especially well with APIs built with the API Platform framework.

# Features

  • Generate high-quality ES6 components and files built with React, Redux, React Router and Redux Form including:
    • A list view
    • A creation form
    • An editing form
    • A delete button
  • Use the Hydra API documentation to generate the code
  • Generate the suitable HTML5 input type (number, date…) according to the type of the API property
  • Display of the server-side validation errors under the related input (if using API Platform Core)
  • Client-side validation (required attributes)
  • The generated HTML is compatible with Bootstrap and includes mandatory classes
  • The generated HTML code is accessible to people with disabilities (ARIA support)
  • The Redux and the React Router configuration is also generated

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