Here’s the complete configuration of the Symfony bundle including default values:
# api/config/packages/api_platform.yaml
# The title of the API.
title: ''
# The description of the API.
description: ''
# The version of the API.
version: '0.0.0'
# Set this to false if you want Webby to disappear.
show_webby: true
# Specify a name converter to use.
name_converter: ~
# Specify a path name generator to use.
path_segment_name_generator: 'api_platform.path_segment_name_generator.underscore'
# Allow using plain IDs for JSON format
allow_plain_identifiers: false
# To enable or disable Doctrine ORM support.
enabled: true
# To enable or disable Doctrine MongoDB ODM support.
enabled: false
# To enable or disable eager loading.
enabled: true
# Fetch only partial data according to serialization groups.
# If enabled, Doctrine ORM entities will not work as expected if any of the other fields are used.
fetch_partial: false
# Max number of joined relations before EagerLoading throws a RuntimeException.
max_joins: 30
# Force join on every relation.
# If disabled, it will only join relations having the EAGER fetch mode.
force_eager: true
# Enable the FOSUserBundle integration.
enable_fos_user: false
# Enable the Nelmio Api doc integration.
enable_nelmio_api_doc: false
# Enable the Swagger documentation and export.
enable_swagger: true
# Enable Swagger ui.
enable_swagger_ui: true
# Enable ReDoc.
enable_re_doc: true
# Enable the entrypoint.
enable_entrypoint: true
# Enable the docs.
enable_docs: true
# To enable or disable oauth.
enabled: false
# The oauth client id.
clientId: ''
# The oauth client secret.
clientSecret: ''
# The oauth type.
type: 'oauth2'
# The oauth flow grant type.
flow: 'application'
# The oauth token url.
tokenUrl: '/oauth/v2/token'
# The oauth authentication url.
authorizationUrl: '/oauth/v2/auth'
# The oauth scopes.
scopes: []
enabled: false
enabled: true
# To enable or disable Elasticsearch support.
enabled: false
# The hosts to the Elasticsearch nodes.
hosts: []
# The mapping between resource classes and indexes.
mapping: []
# The swagger api keys.
api_keys: []
# The default order of results.
order: 'ASC'
# The name of the query parameter to order results.
order_parameter_name: 'order'
# To enable or disable pagination for all resource collections by default.
enabled: true
# To allow the client to enable or disable the pagination.
client_enabled: false
# To allow the client to set the number of items per page.
client_items_per_page: false
# The default number of items per page.
items_per_page: 30
# The maximum number of items per page.
maximum_items_per_page: ~
# The default name of the parameter handling the page number.
page_parameter_name: 'page'
# The name of the query parameter to enable or disable pagination.
enabled_parameter_name: 'pagination'
# The name of the query parameter to set the number of items per page.
items_per_page_parameter_name: 'itemsPerPage'
# To allow partial pagination for all resource collections.
# This improves performances by skipping the `COUNT` query.
partial: true
# To allow the client to enable or disable the partial pagination.
client_partial: true
# The name of the query parameter to enable or disable the partial pagination.
partial_parameter_name: 'partial' # Default value
# The list of paths with files or directories where the bundle will look for additional resource files.
paths: []
# The list of your resources class directories. Defaults to the directories of the mapping paths but might differ.
- '%kernel.project_dir%/src/Entity'
# Automatically generate etags for API responses.
etag: true
# Default value for the response max age.
max_age: ~
# Default value for the response shared (proxy) max age.
shared_max_age: ~
# Default values of the "Vary" HTTP header.
vary: ['Accept']
# To make all responses public by default.
public: ~
# To enable the tags-based cache invalidation system.
enabled: false
# URLs of the Varnish servers to purge using cache tags when a resource is updated.
varnish_urls: []
# To pass options to the client charged with the request.
request_options: []
# The list of exceptions mapped to their HTTP status code.
# With a status code.
Symfony\Component\Serializer\Exception\ExceptionInterface: 400
# Or with a constant defined in the 'Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response' class.
ApiPlatform\Core\Exception\InvalidArgumentException: !php/const Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response::HTTP_BAD_REQUEST
# ...
# The list of enabled formats. The first one will be the default.
mime_types: ['application/ld+json']
mime_types: ['application/json']
mime_types: ['text/html']
# ...
# The list of enabled error formats. The first one will be the default.
mime_types: ['application/problem+json']
mime_types: ['application/ld+json']
# ...
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