Api Platform conference
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v3.0 OpenAPI
API Platform Conference
September 19-20, 2024 | Lille & online

The international conference on the API Platform Framework

Get ready for game-changing announcements for the PHP community!

The API Platform Conference 2024 is happening soon, and it's close to selling out.
API Platform 4, Caddy web server, Xdebug, AI... Enjoy two days of inspiring talks with our friendly community and our amazing speakers.

Only a few tickets left!

# OpenAPI

API Platform Admin has a native support for API exposing an OpenAPI documentation.

To use it, use the OpenApiAdmin component, with the entrypoint of the API and the entrypoint of the OpenAPI documentation in JSON:

import { OpenApiAdmin } from "@api-platform/admin";

export default () => (
  <OpenApiAdmin entrypoint="https://demo.api-platform.com" docEntrypoint="https://demo.api-platform.com/docs.json" />

Note: The OpenAPI documentation needs to follow some assumptions in order to be understood correctly by the underlying api-doc-parser. See the dedicated part in the api-doc-parser library README.

# Data Provider

By default, the component will use a very basic data provider, without pagination support.

If you want to use another data provider, pass the dataProvider prop to the component:

import { OpenApiAdmin } from "@api-platform/admin";
import drfProvider from "ra-data-django-rest-framework";

export default () => (

# Mercure Support

Mercure support can be enabled manually by giving the mercure prop to the OpenApiAdmin component.

See also the dedicated section.

You can also help us improve the documentation of this page.

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