Api Platform conference
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v3.0 The Release Process
API Platform Conference
September 19-20, 2024 | Lille & online

The international conference on the API Platform Framework

Get ready for game-changing announcements for the PHP community!

The API Platform Conference 2024 is happening soon, and it's close to selling out.
API Platform 4, Caddy web server, Xdebug, AI... Enjoy two days of inspiring talks with our friendly community and our amazing speakers.

Only a few tickets left!

# The Release Process

API Platform follows the Semantic Versioning strategy. A new minor version is released every six months, and a new major version is released every two years, along with a last minor version on the previous major one with the same features and an upgrade path.

For example:

  • version 3.0 has been released on 15 September, 2022;
  • version 3.1 will be released on March, 2023;
  • version 3.2 will be released on September, 2023;
  • version 3.3 will be released on March, 2024;
  • versions 3.4 and 4.0 will be released on September, 2024.

# Maintenance

3 versions are maintained at the same time:

  • stable (currently the 3.0 branch): regular bugfixes are integrated in this version
  • old-stable (currently 2.7 branch): security fixes are integrated in this version, regular bugfixes are not backported in it
  • development (main branch): new features target this branch

Older versions (1.x, 2.6…) are not maintained. If you still use them, you must upgrade as soon as possible.

The old-stable branch is merged in the stable branch on a regular basis to propagate security fixes. The stable branch is merged in the development branch on a regular basis to propagate security and regular bugfixes.

New major versions of API Platform are released every 2 years. New minor versions of API Platform are released every 6 months.

The latest minor version of a major branch contains all the new features introduced in the first version of the next major, but also contains deprecated features which are removed in the next major branch.

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