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Guides How to return an IRI instead of an object for your resources relations ?

How to return an IRI instead of an object for your resources relations ?

serialization expert
This guide shows you how to expose the IRI of a related (sub)ressource relation instead of an object.
// src/App/ApiResource.php
namespace App\ApiResource;
use ApiPlatform\Metadata\ApiProperty;
use ApiPlatform\Metadata\ApiResource;
use ApiPlatform\Metadata\Get;
use ApiPlatform\Metadata\GetCollection;
use ApiPlatform\Metadata\Link;
use ApiPlatform\Metadata\Operation;
    operations: [
        new Get(provider: Brand::class.'::provide'),
class Brand
    public function __construct(
        #[ApiProperty(identifier: true)]
        public readonly int $id = 1,
        public readonly string $name = 'Anon',
Setting uriTemplate on a relation with a resource collection will try to find the related operation. It is based on the uriTemplate set on the operation defined on the Car resource (see below).
         * @var array<int, Car> $cars
        #[ApiProperty(uriTemplate: '/brands/{brandId}/cars')]
        private array $cars = [],
Setting uriTemplate on a relation with a resource item will try to find the related operation. It is based on the uriTemplate set on the operation defined on the Address resource (see below).
        #[ApiProperty(uriTemplate: '/brands/{brandId}/addresses/{id}')]
        private ?Address $headQuarters = null
    ) {
     * @return array<int, Car>
    public function getCars(): array
        return $this->cars;
    public function addCar(Car $car): self
        $this->cars[] = $car;
        return $this;
    public function getHeadQuarters(): ?Address
        return $this->headQuarters;
    public function setHeadQuarters(?Address $headQuarters): self
        $this->headQuarters = $headQuarters;
        return $this;
    public static function provide(Operation $operation, array $uriVariables = [], array $context = []): object|array|null
        return (new self(1, 'Ford'))
                ->setHeadQuarters(new Address(1, 'One American Road near Michigan Avenue, Dearborn, Michigan'))
                ->addCar(new Car(1, 'Torpedo Roadster'));
    operations: [
        new Get(),
Without the use of uriTemplate on the property this would be used coming from the Brand resource, but not anymore.
        new GetCollection(uriTemplate: '/cars'),
This operation will be used to create the IRI instead since the uriTemplate matches.
        new GetCollection(
            uriTemplate: '/brands/{brandId}/cars',
            uriVariables: [
                'brandId' => new Link(toProperty: 'brand', fromClass: Brand::class),
class Car
    public function __construct(
        #[ApiProperty(identifier: true)]
        public readonly int $id = 1,
        public readonly string $name = 'Anon',
        private ?Brand $brand = null
    ) {
    public function getBrand(): Brand
        return $this->brand;
    public function setBrand(Brand $brand): void
        $this->brand = $brand;
    operations: [
Without the use of uriTemplate on the property this would be used coming from the Brand resource, but not anymore.
        new Get(uriTemplate: '/addresses/{id}'),
This operation will be used to create the IRI instead since the uriTemplate matches.
        new Get(
            uriTemplate: '/brands/{brandId}/addresses/{id}',
            uriVariables: [
                'brandId' => new Link(toProperty: 'brand', fromClass: Brand::class),
                'id' => new Link(fromClass: Address::class),
class Address
    public function __construct(
        #[ApiProperty(identifier: true)]
        public readonly int $id = 1,
        public readonly string $name = 'Anon',
        private ?Brand $brand = null
    ) {
    public function getBrand(): Brand
        return $this->brand;
    public function setBrand(Brand $brand): void
        $this->brand = $brand;
If API Platform does not find any GetCollection operation on the target resource, it will result in a NotFoundException. The OpenAPI documentation will set the properties as read-only of type string in the format iri-reference for JSON-LD, JSON:API and HAL formats. The Hydra documentation will set the properties as hydra:Link with the right domain, with hydra:readable to true but hydra:writable to false. When using JSON:API or HAL formats, the IRI will be used and set links, embedded and relationship. Additional Note: If you are using the default doctrine provider, this will prevent unnecessary sql join and related processing.
// src/App/Playground.php
namespace App\Playground;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;
function request(): Request
    return Request::create(uri: '/brands/1', method: 'GET', server: ['HTTP_ACCEPT' => 'application/ld+json']);

// src/App/Tests.php
namespace App\Tests;
use ApiPlatform\Symfony\Bundle\Test\ApiTestCase;
use App\ApiResource\Brand;
final class BrandTest extends ApiTestCase
    public function testResourceExposeIRI(): void
        static::createClient()->request('GET', '/brands/1', ['headers' => [
            'Accept: application/ld+json',
        $this->assertMatchesResourceCollectionJsonSchema(Brand::class, '_api_/brands/{id}{._format}_get');
            '@context' => '/contexts/Brand',
            '@id' => '/brands/1',
            '@type' => 'Brand',
            'name' => 'Ford',
            'cars' => '/brands/1/cars',
            'headQuarters' => '/brands/1/addresses/1',

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