Api Platform conference
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v3.4 AngularJS Integration
API Platform Conference
September 19-20, 2024 | Lille & online

The international conference on the API Platform Framework

Get ready for game-changing announcements for the PHP community!

The API Platform Conference 2024 is happening soon, and it's close to selling out.
API Platform 4, Caddy web server, Xdebug, AI... Enjoy two days of inspiring talks with our friendly community and our amazing speakers.

Only a few tickets left!

# AngularJS Integration

Warning: for a new project, you should consider using the API Platform’s Progressive Web App generator (that supports React and Vue.js) instead of this Angular v1 integration.

# Restangular

API Platform works fine with AngularJS v1. The popular Restangular REST client library for Angular can easily be configured to handle the API format.

Here is a working Restangular config:

'use strict';

var app = angular
    .config(['RestangularProvider', function(RestangularProvider) {
        // The URL of the API endpoint

        // JSON-LD @id support
            id: '@id',
            selfLink: '@id'

        // Hydra collections support
        RestangularProvider.addResponseInterceptor(function(data, operation) {
            // Remove trailing slash to make Restangular working
            function populateHref(data) {
                if (data['@id']) {
                    data.href = data['@id'].substring(1);

            // Populate href property for the collection

            if ('getList' === operation) {
                var collectionResponse = data['hydra:member'];
                collectionResponse.metadata = {};

                // Put metadata in a property of the collection
                angular.forEach(data, function(value, key) {
                    if ('hydra:member' !== key) {
                        collectionResponse.metadata[key] = value;

                // Populate href property for all elements of the collection
                angular.forEach(collectionResponse, function(value) {

                return collectionResponse;

            return data;

# ng-admin

If you want to use ng-admin, set the Restangular config, then create your entities like in the following example :

'use strict';

var nga = NgAdminConfigurationProvider;

var admin = nga
    .application('My First Admin')

var article = nga.entity('articles');
article.url(function(entityName, viewType, identifierValue) {
    var url = '/' + entityName;

    if (viewType === 'ListView' || viewType === 'CreateView') {
        return url;

    return identifierValue ? decodeURIComponent(identifierValue) : url;



You can look at what we have done on api-platform/admin.

You can also help us improve the documentation of this page.

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