Laura Durieux

Laura Durieux

Fullstack developer @ Business Inside Software

About Laura

Laura graduated in Web Design and Development from Haute École Albert Jacquard in Belgium.

She has been using computers since the age of 6, knowing from an early age that tech was her passion. Despite facing challenges early in life, she has always been drawn to computers, allowing her to create her own world and develop her skills.

Today, she works at Business Inside Software as a Web Developer and streams on Twitch. She is also now an aspiring speaker.

Laura's schedule

Day 2
Room 1

Sep 20, 2024


Intégrer une IA générative dans API Platform, bonne idée ? (🇫🇷)

14:50 PM - 15:30 PM

Découvrons les possibilités du machine learning avec PHP et API Platform.

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