Olivier Mansour

Olivier Mansour

Solution architect @ Theodo

About Olivier

Olivier Mansour is solution architect at Theodo and has over 20 years of experience in management in small and large companies as a CTO or Engineering Manager. He was the president of the French PHP organization AFUP in 2013, the year when their annual PHP salary survey was launched.

Olivier has been programming since primary school and is passionate about bicycle travel and analog hacking (also known as tinkering).

Olivier's schedule

Day 1
Room 1

Sep 19, 2024


Table ronde : tour d’horizon du marché de l’emploi en 2024 (🇫🇷)

17:20 PM - 18:00 PM

Nos experts décryptent ensemble le marché de l'emploi dans la tech en 2024.

See details
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