The API Platform Conference is an international event held in France, featuring two parallel tracks over two days in both English and French.
The talks are 20 or 40 min (Q&A included).
The event is hybrid: your talk will be streamed live online and recorded. Unless you advise otherwise, it will be published on our YouTube channel after the event.
Submitting multiple proposals is encouraged, but it does not necessarily increase your chances of selection.
While we prefer original content, submitting a previously presented conference topic is not grounds for elimination. Each talk is unique and never delivered in the same way.
Speakers are expected to uphold the same Code of Conduct as attendees and staff.
API Platform and its ecosystem
You have discovered new features, a use case, a migration story or a contribution to share with the API Platform framework.
You have built applications for real-world enterprise scenarios and your talk will showcase your development’s journey – from initial adoption to implementation.
You have used API Platform as a key tool in your API design.
Going further with API Platform
JavaScript - API Platform is not only about PHP: in addition to its powerful admin generator, API Platform also features a client generator capable of scaffolding fully functional applications with Next.js, Nuxt.js, React/Redux, Vue.js, Quasar, and Vuetify for both PWAs and SPAs. Share your insights, contributions, and discoveries about it!
Devops - you host or you have deployed a project with API Platform: tell us about it!
Share your experiments on using AI on your web project.
You’ve optimized your application’s performance or migrated it with FrankenPHP.
You’ve deployed FrankenPHP natively or using a cloud hosting solution. Share your feedback with us!
Frameworks and tools
Share with us your findings or best practices regarding tools from the PHP ecosystem.
Tell us about the tools and good practices you use to build your software’s architecture.
Different management, corporate culture, mental health, agility, or the struggle for greater diversity and inclusion in tech... We always open the floor to more cross-cutting topics during our event.