Kévin Dunglas

Kévin Dunglas

Creator @ API Platform

About Kévin

Founder of Les-Tilleuls.coop (a French worker-owned cooperative), Kévin is CEO and CTO, specialist in designing critical web applications (high traffic, high availability, interoperability).

He’s a member of the Symfony framework core-team, and the creator of API Platform, of Mercure.rocks and Vulcain.rocks protocols. He’s an active contributor to more than a hundred open source projects including the PHP language, Laravel, Doctrine ORM, Prestashop and tools from the React and Kubernetes ecosystems.

Kévin is also an international speaker, a lecturer and a book writer.

In his younger years, he used to play in a punk band.

Kévin's schedule

Workshop 1

Sep 13, 2022

Designing and Building an API-first Project with API Platform 3

09:00 AM - 17:00 PM

A 1-day workshop with the creators of API Platform to discover the keys of API Platform 3

See details
Con Day 2

Sep 15, 2022

Opening keynote - API Platform 3

09:10 AM - 09:50 AM

Let the creator of API Platform introduce you the latest version of the framework

See details
Con Day 2

Sep 15, 2022

Q&A Session - API Platform Core Team

16:40 PM - 17:20 PM

The API Platform core team answers all your questions!

See details
Con Day 2

Sep 16, 2022

Comment (re)mettre la tech au service du bien commun ? (French speaking)

15:40 PM - 16:20 PM

Des contributeurs et des militants cherchent à rendre au web et au logiciel libre leurs idéaux de partage et de liberté.

See details
Hack day

Sep 17, 2022

Hackday API Platform 3

09:00 AM - 16:00 PM

Discuss, contribute, eat pizzas and drink beers with API Platform Core Team!

See details
Questions ?Contact us!

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